Author Archives: Safe-Card ID Team

Fargo HDP600 – Technical Resources and Support

Needing to get technical assistance with your Fargo HDP600 printer? Many of the resources you need, such as current drivers and firmware, are easily found on the Fargo technical resources site.

The following items can be downloaded from Fargo’s website:

Printer Drivers:

  • HDP600 Driver Windows2000/XP/2003

Printer Firmware:

  • Fargo HDP600 firmware
  • Ethernet firmware

User Guides

Diagnostic Tools:

  • Workbench – This download has security, diagnostic and firmware upgrades. This ulitity provides the access to develop a password controlled access to your computer, obtain sample Fargo cards, and find printer and print ribbon information.

Visit the Fargo technical support page to locate the items needed.

For information about or other Fargo printers and photo id card systems, contact us for a free consultation at 888-485-4696.

Fargo DTC400e – Technical Resources and Support

Fargo Fargo DTC400e

Need technical assistance with your Fargo DTC550 printer? Many of the resources you need, such as current drivers and firmware, are easily found on the Fargo technical resources site.

The following items are currently available for download:

Printer Drivers:

  • DTC400e LINUX
  • DTC400e Driver Windows2000/XP/

Printer Firmware:

  • Fargo DTC400e firmware
  • Ethernet firmware

User Guides

Diagnostic Tools:

  • Workbench – This is a utility that provides security, diagnostic and firmware upgrades. With this download is the ability to develop password controlled access to your computer, locate sample Fargo cards, and obtain printer and ribbon information.

Visit the Fargo technical support page to locate the above items.

For additional information about the Fargo DTC400e or other Fargo printers, let our id card experts provide you with a free consultation.

Fargo DTC550 – Technical Resouces and Support

Fargo Fargo DTC550

Needt technical assistance with your Fargo DTC550 printer? Many of the resources you need, such as current drivers and firmware, are easily found on the Fargo technical resources site.

The following items are currently available for download:

Printer Drivers:

  • DTC550 Driver Windows2000/XP/2003

Printer Firmware:

  • Fargo DTC550 firmware

User Guides

Diagnostic Tools:

  • Workbench – This is a utility that provides security, diagnostic and firmware upgrades. With this download is the ability to develop password controlled access to your computer, locate sample Fargo cards, and obtain printer and ribbon information.

Visit the Fargo technical support page to locate the items needed.

For information about the Fargo DTC550 or other Fargo printers, contact us for a free consultation at 888-485-4696.

Fargo HDP5000 – Technical Support Resources

Fargo HDP5000

Do you need technical support for your Fargo HPD5000 or HDPii printer? Safe-Card ID Services is an authorized dealer and support center for the full Fargo printer line. There are many things you can do yourself to investigate and resolve issues. We always recommend you check for and apply any updates to the printer’s device drivers and embedded firmware. In addition, theĀ  printer reference guides provide a wealth of information on the use and maintenance of these devices. Fortunately, Fargo makes these easy to locate, especially through the Fargo Workbench Utility. These items and more can be found and easily downloaded from the support pages at the manufacturer’s website.

Printer Drivers & Firmware:

By visiting the HID Global Drivers & Downloads page, you can download current drivers and firmware for your HDP5000 and HDPii printers. To do so, select the Fargo brand and appropriate printer from the dropdown menus at the top of the page.

User Guide

You can access the user guide for the Fargo HDP5000 and HDPii printers here. This guide contains detailed information about the printers and their use.

Fargo Workbench Utility

Fargo Workbench Utility is a free utility that provides security, diagnostic and firmware upgrades. Through this utility, you can set password-controlled access to your printer, locate and print sample cards, and access printer and ribbon information. We also recommend that you use the built-in Update Manager to check for and apply printer driver and firmware updates for all current, and many legacy, Fargo printers. For more information about how to use the Fargo Workbench Utility to maintain your printer’s driver and firmware, visit our how-to post.

Call Us!

For other technical or support issues with Fargo HDP5000 & HDPii printers, or any other Fargo printers, contact us for a free consultation at +1 888.485.4696. As an authorized Fargo dealer and support center, our experts can assist with a variety of technical issues. We look forward to hearing from you!

Asure ID Software – Setup and Installation Guide

Asure Enterprise

Asure badge design software is a highly capable software currently available for organizations wanting to design their own badges and print out on a card printer. Asure has a number of versions available–Asure Solo, Asure Express, Asure Enterprise, Asure Exchange.

Obtain your set up and installation guide for the above software. If you are using Asure Exchange, the Live Link Quick Start Guide can be found there as well.

Download the Asure Support Documentation here.

If you need technical assistance to operate the Asure software version you have, you can download the appropriate Product Manual for the software at the above link.

We offer a free trial verision of Asure software on our website. We handle a complete line of id card software and id card printers to produce cards meeting your requirements.

Asure ID Card Software – Adding a Bar Code to your Design offers a free training video which demonstrates how to add a bar code field to an id card design designing an id card layout in Asure software programs.

For additional information about Asure ID Express card printing software, ID-card systems, printing supplies or badge attachments and accessories, contact us for a free consultation at 888-485-4696.

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ID Card Software – Why It is Needed

ID Card software helps you make your organizations unique custom ID cards. The software is easy to use and makes it possible to make simple or complex id badges right at the convenience of your own desk. The software is designed to allow you to create a professional looking badge that can be updated or changed with a few keystrokes.

Many ID card software packages allow multiple designs to be saved for a number of unique badges that your organization may need to print in a large quantity or even just one. By having your own software, the organization does not have to hire a custom id card company to make additional badge designs or change current badge designs to updated company requirements.

The software needed to make the badges offers the card designer the ability to import logos and other files to create a custom badge. Most software offers a database of employee photos and information that is managed by your card printer operator. Your company has control over who makes badges, when they are printed and how many times. The software will often be able to download needed data from other databases which helps in creating the badges quickly and easily.

All badge software from dependable software companies allow the printing of barcodes and encoding of magnetic strips which produce increased functionality of the cards. Prior to purchasing the software, contact a company representative or review a software specification sheet to make sure that the capabilities needed are available with the selected software.

There are two parts to most standard ID card software. The first is the design component. This section of the software allows you to design the badge layout. You can choose to have the card layout in a horizontal or veritcal format. Where the photograph, name, title and additional information will be placed on the badge is determined in this area. The company name, logo and possible bar code can be added in the design section to produce the perfect look for your ID card needs.

The database section of the software is where all of the text and photgraph information is imported and stored for making a unique badge for each card holder. The database information is merged with the design elements upon choosing the print command to produce a custom badge for each file in the database. The database stores the information for use to make a card with a different design or to reprint in case of card loss or damage.

Dependable manufacturers, such as Asure ID software, ID Flow and EpiSuite provide dependable solutions for card design and printing. Various versions of each software provide basic and advanced capabilities for card design and printing needs. A id card expert from Safe-Card ID would be happy to provide a free consultation for your id card software needs.

Persona C30e Technical Support Resouces

Persona C30e

Needing to get technical assistance with your Persona C30e printer? Many of the resouces you need, such as current drivers and firmware, can be found and easly downloaded.

The following items are currently available for download:

Printer Drivers:

  • Linux driver
  • Driver windows

Printer Firmware:

  • Persona C30e firmware
  • Ethernet firmware

User Guide

Diagnostic Tools:

  • Workbench – This is a utility that provides security, diagnostic and firmware upgrades. You can construct password controlled access to your printer, find Fargo sample cards and access key printer and ribbon information.

Visit the Fargo technical support page to locate the items needed.

For information about the Persona C30e or other Fargo printers, contact us for a free consultation at 888-485-4696.

Field Upgradeable Printer by Technician


Legacy models of PVC card printers were “what you see is what you get.” If you wanted a dual sided printer or mag encoder in the printer for future use, the original purchase of the printer needed to encompass every function that would be needed throughout the lifetime of the printer.

More recent models of ID card printers allow organizations to purchase a base model and upgrade the printer as needed. Several printers from various manufacturers allow purchasers to purchase, at a reasonable price, a basic single sided id card printer. If the card making organization wishes to change the card with a module not included on the printer at a future time, modules can be obtained individually and added to the base model printer to increase the fuctionality of the printer and provide an increased capable card for additional requirements.

Some of the modules that can be purchased and installed at your location are:

  • Dual sided flipping module- This module will allow a card that has been printed on the front side to be flipped internally in the printer and refed through the printing module to print on the back side of the card.
  • Magnetic stripe encoder- This module will allow a PVC card with a magnetic stripe to be encoded with information that can be read by an appropriate reader. This function allows for additional information to be stored on a PVC card.
  • Lamination station- The lamination function on a printer provides an overlay, with or without a design, on the card. The overlay protects the surface of the card and produces a level of security. The lamination can have a unique design embeded in it. If someone tries to remove it from the surface of the card, the card will be defaced.

The Fargo HDP5000 printer is an example of a card printer that allows modules to be upgraded in the field.

Please contact us for a free consultation about which printer may be best for your application. Safe-Card ID services the following: Fargo printer, Evolis printer, Magicard printer, CIM printer, Asure Software and ID Flow.