Photo ID Cameras
Current photo ID cameras allow badge makers to digitally place pictures on ID badges. Most basic digital ID cameras can be used to capture an image that will easily print on a badge.
To take a good picture for a badge, set the resolution of the camera to low. Too high a resolution can make the pictures difficult for the software to process, and as the size of the picture on the badge is approximately an inch high, it is too small to notice the lower resolution. We have additional tips available to help take the best ID photos here.
The picture then needs to be transferred to the computer. Some software and cameras will work together and automatically download the picture into the software. Some work independently and require the user to download the picture into a folder on the hard drive. The photo then must be transferred to the software by the computer operator. Some software packages require a specific camera for advanced ID applications.
When looking for a new camera for a photo ID system or for a complete upgrade of a current system, contact a company that specializes in ID card printing products. Companies that sell ID products specialize in keeping current on the most advanced trends in ID card system components. In a consultation, one of our experts will consider the printer and software already employed in order to make a recommendation that best meets the user's badge-making and budget requirements.
For more information:
For more information about ID card printer systems and name badges, contact our experts at +1-704-535-5200 or +1-888-485-4696.